游客 你看我像誰 11/27 23:34有關穎!立威廉!美!帥!
游客 action 11/27 22:408.0 程海諾?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。?/div>游客 一罐茶葉 11/27 21:05還算是不錯的吧,不過傻傻的女生就有點成了臺灣偶像劇的標志了游客 匣之魍魎 11/23 20:16當時覺得立威廉好有感覺的說...游客 Lirpaaaaa 11/20 00:00To see this tv show end is so heart-aching, like other tv shows from the same times. It's like to say goodbye to an old friend, who has accompanied you thru those childhood/adolescent years. They spawned the first seed of rosemary dreams of love in ur heart; they witnessed all of your hopes, though maybe false ones, and ur growing pains along the way. The pains might be forgotten, but those shows and stars won't. 長大后,才發(fā)現(xiàn)電視劇都是騙人的;王子可能跟灰姑娘生活在兩個完全平行的世界中,連相遇都不會,更惶論相愛呢?那些死心塌地的癡情男二也只是角色需要罷了游客 活到老磕到老 11/14 01:22很喜歡,我覺得很經(jīng)典,畢竟那時愛情類的電視劇只有臺灣拍的那些個。。游客 卡特萌 11/10 21:18@2020-02-22 13:53:44游客 樸一 11/10 11:54我實在是不喜歡wxl。。算是勉強看完吧,也算圓滿了查看完整評論信息