游客 Black Alice 11/27 00:41「Art, in its simplest terms, is just a way to force a new perspective on to something familiar. To rip apart its definition and redefine it is the work of an artist. Our lives were familiar, and now they must be reconstructed. We must find a way to look at our lives in a new perspective. A new perspective can help you move through difficult situations, and that is why art is a way of surviving.」「Do you count the things you've lost? Or do you count what's still left?」
游客 王文平 11/23 02:16索倫蒂諾的家真好看,羅馬的落日真美。
游客 旗桿 11/22 16:01導(dǎo)演咖位和能力還是挺不一樣,大部分短片質(zhì)量甚至和學(xué)生電影差不多。除了E2索倫蒂諾最好,大師畢竟是大師!E16選取比較視覺藝術(shù)化的處理方式也挺拉好感,主要是女演員氣質(zhì)太抓人……E11小女孩好可愛!至于其他……啊,哀嘆一聲,人類創(chuàng)作者匱乏的創(chuàng)造力啊。
游客 得得 11/22 08:18這題材有點(diǎn)意思,他們在隔離期間自娛自樂,自制他們想象的世界,特別是最后一集,真的很戳中我的共鳴點(diǎn)。但也有幾集好無趣,華裔馬楠這一集拍得太糟糕,盡管臺詞不算爛但很不喜歡。
游客 愛看電影的豆子 11/21 05:34LA那集真的看哭我了??!
游客 踹安狗 11/20 14:19p4爺爺快笑死我了 論渣男老了之后的娛樂生活
游客 lakewolf 11/16 06:19現(xiàn)在看來,既近又遠(yuǎn)
游客 DayoWong246 11/15 15:17索倫蒂諾萌死我算了,拉雷恩萬歲,Emoji Queen就是尼奧尼!
游客 擒緒 11/12 11:05-讓人傷心的是沒有人在研發(fā)對抗中年發(fā)福的疫苗。 -早就有了,交友軟件的照片濾鏡。
游客 FantaSea 11/08 21:09Aka look at all these directors who can and cannot write. 拍自家孩子的都很難看